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How to Find Your Style Tips - A Beginners Guide

If you ask anyone what their style is and they’ll probably say something along the lines of ‘meh, whatever. I don’t really care.’ Well, that’s a pretty good summary of our own personal style. We all have our own insecurities, quirks and personal style. A lot of people wonder what other people might think if they knew how to dress well. The truth is, no-one knows your true self until you find the right clothes to complement it. However, while we may not be able to change who we are, we can at least change how we dress to get more compliments or ignore rude comments altogether. Let’s take a look at ways to find your own style tips so that you can start achieving the confidence you desire in yourself and your wardrobe!

What is Style?

Style is a part of you that’s inside you, and it’s something you can’t really change unless you want to start wearing clothes that aren’t made for you. It’s something you either have or you don’t. It’s something that’s unique to you and only you, and it’s what makes you you. In other words, your style is who you are at that exact moment in time, and it’s something you can’t change. There is no one style that everyone has, and there’s no perfect way to find what you like. You may like certain types of clothing or colors more than others, and you may feel self-conscious wearing certain things. People have different styles and some people prefer to wear certain things more than others. It’s something that happens when you’re in your teens, twenties and early thirties and it passes when you’re in your forties and fifties. You’re not stuck with your style forever, and you can consciously change your style whenever you want to.

How to Find Your Style

This is probably the most important and complex part of all of this. You have to find what you like, and you have to wear it regularly so that it feels right. It has to make you feel good and confident, not self-conscious. You have to find what you Like, and then wear it as often as you can so that you start to associate it with good things. First, you have to decide what style you like. It’s not about identifying a style and then trying to match it with your current clothes or looks. You can’t do that. You have to find what you like and like to wear, and then put an effort into wearing it consistently so that you can associate it with positive feelings. You’ve got to make a conscious decision to find your own style and wear it because that’s what you want to do. You don’t have to think about it. It just happens.

Don’t Be Afraid to Try a New Outfit

This may seem like a no-brainer, but we all feel self-conscious in our clothes sometimes, and it’s super easy to second-guess ourselves when we’re in the shops or outside in the cold. We worry about what other people are going to think or how we look, when the truth is, we have to make ourselves feel good in those clothes or we’ll feel bad in them. Exercising confidence in what you wear can make you feel good in ways that wearing clothes that make you feel bad can’t. It’s a win-win situation in my opinion. So, don’t be afraid to try a new outfit, or a new style, or to step out of the box a bit.

Take a Guidebook Shower

We all have those boring old guidebooks that we always seem to borrow from the library. You know the ones: The Entrance Hall and Garden in London, The Royal Opera House in Covent Garden, The Victoria & Albert Museum in London and so on? Well, what if you could look through those books and find your own style? What if you could see yourself in another person’s clothes, or in another time or place? That’s what taking a guidebook shower is all about. It’s about actually looking through those books and finding what you like and experimenting with different style trends so that you can create your own personal style.

Keep an Eye Out for the Trends

We all have a tendency to follow the crowd, and that’s especially true when it comes to fashion. You may find that certain trends are more popular among your friends or on social media than with others. It’s important to take a look at what everyone else is wearing, but it’s also important to find what you like. There are plenty of online style guides that you can use to search for trends and check out what other people are wearing, but the best way to do that is to take a look at what everyone is wearing and see what you like or dislike. As with most things in life, it’s usually better to be early, rather than being late. So, take your time when looking through the catalogues and don’t just rush to buy everything that’s available.

Build a wardrobe of comfy, easy-going pieces

Easy on the cash? Easy on the eyes? Easy on the stomach? There are lots of pieces in your wardrobe that can do all three! Whether you want to add a few easy-to-wear pieces to your collection or build a complete wardrobe from scratch, a little bit of effort goes a long way. What’s important is that you spend some time in your closet or the linen section of your local store trying out different pieces so that you can find what you like. Once you’ve found your comfort zone with a few pieces, add some more variety to your wardrobe so that you feel as though you’re always wearing the same things but are still confident in yourself and your style. If you’re lucky enough to have a big closet or a room full of hung-up clothes, you probably don’t mind wearing the same things over and over again – but if you’re on a budget or have smaller spaces to work with, it may be worth investing in a few pieces that you love so that you don’t have to go looking for new clothes all the time.


Style is a combination of features, accessories, and clothing. It's not just what you're wearing, but how you're wearing it and how it shows off your body. With so much changeable weather and fashion trends, it can be difficult to find the perfect clothes to match your mood. However, with these style tips, you can find your own unique style that fits your personality and life circumstances. It's important to find what you like and feel good in so that you can be happy in your own clothes.

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